Name: Kristen F. Nicknames: Bundle, Kris, Chic, Babaloo You can call me: The SMPA's Webmistress Birthday: 01-06-88 Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Macaroni and Cheese Least Favorite Food: Probably Black-Eyed-Peas or Tuna Favorite Subject: Algebra(most of the time) Least Favorite Subject: Grammar or Science(chemistry is hard!) Hobbies: Church, Hanging with my friends, DANCING, and playing Exile with my dad E-mail: My pets: Golden Retriever-Molly-1 yr. and Cat-Scaredy-3 yr. Cat-Mama-? yr. My Siblings: I have a brother named Ian. He is 19. He likes electronics and stuff like that. He's basically a computer wiz. My Best Friend(s): All my friends are my best friends, but I have two really close friends, Kayla(17) and Jordana(14). I also have two great friends where I used to live, Amanda and Elsie. My Word(s): Jha!, Crum, Bow-Chicka-Bow-Bow, I'm all about (kinda confusing, I know. I guess you just would have had to be there!) The biggest thing(s) that annoy me: Getting left out, Not being in on the "inside joke", and stuff on the internet/computer that should work, and you spend lots of time on it, and then it doesn't work!
What I like About Each Sailor: 1. I like Sailor Moon because she really comes through for you in times of need. She is also very sweet and caring. 2. I like Ami because of her always taking time to think things out. She is also very kind and compassionate. 3. I like Rei because I know she really likes Serena deep down, and that they have a closer friendship than you think. 4. I like Lita because she is so cute the way she is always enthusiastic(sp?) about guys and cooking. 5. I like Mina because she is so sweet and loving. She cares about others very much. I like the way she is always smiling, even when you can tell she is hurting inside. 6. I like Rini because I think she is cute. She really looks up to Serena a lot. 7. I like Amara because she really has a caring heart contrary to her tough attitude. 8. I like Michelle for the same reason I like Amara. Also, Michelle is pretty and intelligent. She thinks before she acts. 9. I like Setsuna because of her beauty and her serene-ness. She has no thought of her loneliness, only the welfare of others. If you have any questions or even if you just want to say "hi" you can contact me at: |