Sailor Moon is the story of Serena, a junior high school student who discovers that she is the Princess of the Moon, and is destined to protect the world from the evil Queen Beryl and the Negaverse. Gradually, Luna and Artemis, talking cats, assemble the Sailor Scouts to help Serena battle the forces of darkness in the name of Queen Serenity of the Moon. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus and Sailor Jupiter form the Inner Senshi. Sailor Moon is first given her powers by her cat, Luna, who was a trusted advisor of Queen Serenity, and sticks with her through thick and thin. The Sailor Scouts must take on the dwellers of the Negaverse while dealing with the problems of adolescence at the same time. Bad grades and crushes at Crossroads Junior High can be just as perplexing as the forces of evil: it's not easy being a pretty soldier. All the while, Serena moves slowly towards her destiny, to save the universe as Neo-Queen Serenity. This is the story of Sailor Moon. (Adapted from the Toonami version)