Anime: a common abbreviation of the Japanese term for animation. Arigatou: Thank you Baka: stupid, fool, idiot Bishoujo: a beautiful or pretty girl Chibi: a short person or kid Demo: but Doko(ni): where? Domo: very much Ecchi: mildly perverted Eigo: English Fuku: clothes, uniform EX--> Sailor Fuku Gomen: sorry Hai: yes Henshin: transformation Hentai: extremely perverted Iie: no Ja ne: bye Kawaii: cute Konnichiwa: good day, hello Kowai: scared, afraid, scary Kudasai: Please Manga: Japanese comics Minna: everyone Nani: what? Nasai: sorry Ohayo: Good morning (or Ohayo gozaimasu to be polite) Onegai: Please Otou-san: father Owari: the end Piku: to shake or tremble Senpai: elder or upperclassman, can be used to honor someone. EX--> Higashi-senpai Senshi: warrior or soldier Seiyuu: A voice actor or actress Sayonara: good bye Sugoi: cool! Sumimasen: Excuse me, as in interrupting someone, not as in bumping into them. Tomodachi: friend
Counting From One To Ten: Counting from 0 to 10! This is the easiest part. Just follow the chart listed below! zero--> rei (different than Rei-chan!) one--> ichi two--> ni three--> san four--> shi/yon five--> go six--> roku seven--> shichi/nana eight--> hachi nine--> ku/kyuu ten--> juu
Counting from 11 to 19! Now, this is pretty easy to catch on to. First, you take juu, which is ten. Then add the corresponding number. So if you want to say 11, combine juu, which is ten, and ichi, which is one. So you got juuichi. See? I told ya it was easy! So that means twelve is juuni, thirteen is juusan, fourteen is juushi and so on.